The first online magazine on travelling with children made by passionate parents! DzieckowPodrozy.pl is a magazine available on numerous platforms which means it is always there with its readers - active parents for whom trips with children are fascinating adventures of discovery.
More than 4 681 140 unique visitors Jan-Dec 2019!
There are plenty of travel magazines, however, Dzieckowpodrozy.pl is the first to concentrate solely on the needs of families. Here you'll find inspiration for small and big trips, fascinating interviews, tips, interesting facts, discounts, contests...

Why are we mobile? Because that's the most effective way - we are available through our website, on tablets, smartphones, combining habits with the comfort of reading a traditional magazine with up-to-date trends and being accustomed to using mobile devices nearly 24h a day.
Dzieckowpodrozy.pl is also over 400 000 users browsing through nearly 1 000 000 pages a month. Among our readers as well as editors you will find people writing their own travel and parenting blogs. We are the first medium to connect bloggers, globetrotters and parents who simply search for inspiration for holiday and weekends with their kids.
We cooperate with more than 20 family travel blogers and some of them wirte posts especially for Dzieckowpodrozy.pl every month!
We are influencers - being citated and invited by media:
(below interview in public TV - morning program)
Our content has been appreciated by Google's search engine which puts it in the top results for phrases of most of the coverage of places we review ex. “Sztokholm weekend z dzieckiem” [Stockholm weekend with a child] ; “Londyn weekend z dzieckiem” [London weekend with a child]; “Zakynthos atrakcje dla dzieci” [Zakynthos attractions for children]; "Dubaj z dzieckiem" [Dubai with kids"] etc....
or general pharases others such as: “wczasy z dzieckiem za granicą” [holiday with a child abroad] “podróże z dzieckiem” [travels with a child] “gdzie z dzieckiem na wakacje” [where to go on holiday with a child] and many more.
Strategic cooperation - for LEGOLAND® Billund we have prepared what's most likely the most precise guidebook for the park and LEGOLAND Resort in Polish (micro-site) along with an intense promotional campaign >>LEGOLAND micro site<< - we have been invited by many tourism organization to promote destinations ex. Dubai, Tirol, Barcelona, Stockholm, Rovaniemi and many private companies.
Our professional experience is strictly related to marketing, especially site marketing which allows us to respond to the needs of our partners in 100%. Wojciech Kreft is the manager of the project, previously for several years he had been the director of the Pomorskie Tourist Board (Gdansk), always involved with the tourism industry.
Our offer is always tailored, knowing our market, our users, we know what actions and content are the most popular ones. Thus, if you are searching for a travel blog or something more: a magazne for active parents that will inspire them to travel, we invite you to work with us.
Feel free to contact us: E-mail: redakcja@dzieckowpodrozy.pl Tel.: +48 501 100 560
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Meet our editors team ;)
Editor - Tomek - 13 years old - Deputy Editor - Bartek 10 years old